Monday, November 19, 2018

Visualize your List Views with List View Charts

List Views are handy for looking at subsets of data, you can enhance your list view by adding a chart to help visualize the data.

List View Filters

First create a view of information filtered by data important to you and then add a chart.

Create a New List View

Actions you can take for list views are available in the List View Controls menu (icon to access List View Controls).

Create the List View and Add Filters

  • Under List View Controls, select New. 
  • Give your list a name.
  • Choose who can see this list view.
  • Click Save. The Filters panel appears.
  • Click Show me, then select All objects to see all records not just those owned by you.
  • Add any additional filters desired.  In this example, we are filtering by Accounts with Total Gifts of 1,000 or more.
  • Click Done.

Select the List View Fields to Display

  • From the List View Controls menu, Select Fields to Display.
  • Use the arrows to add, remove, and reorder your visible fields.
  • Click Save

For more information see this help article.

List View Chart

  • Once you have your new List View created, you can create a Chart to visualize the data.
  • From the  Opportunities tab, select the the new List View you created.
  • Click list view charts icon.

  • In the Charts panel that appears, click list view charts gear icon and select New Chart.

  • Give the Chart a name and complete the other parameters and click Save.
  • Chart Type: Horizontal Bar
  • Aggregate Type: Sum
  • Aggregate Field: Total Gifts
  • Grouping Field: Billing State/Province

  • Chart now is available when you select the list view

Try it on your own in this Trailhead module

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