Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Use Quick Actions to Display Record Details

Salesforce's Lighting interface has opened up a ton of possibilities for creating better user experiences, this short article will look at just one of them. 

Sally, the Director of Development for a small nonprofit, spends most of her day in Salesforce communicating with constituents. When she makes her phone calls, it is important for her to know the giving history of the person she is calling. She doesn't like the fact that she needs to scroll down the Contact's detail page to find the donation summary information. The detail page is loaded with fields and Sally finds this process extremely cumbersome. She would like to be able to quickly see the contacts total life-time gifts, the households total life-time gifts, total gifts given this year, last year and the last gift date and amount. 

Bobby, the Salesforce Admin, is super excited because he knows he can make it happen in Lightning. Bobby is able to add a tab to the Contact's record page showing Sally just the information she wants to see. Instead of scrolling down a long page of details, Sally can look at a tab containing just the information she wants to see.

Let's look at how he was able to do it! 

Step 1 - First Bobby created a new Update Action on the Contact object that contained only the donation summary fields that Sally needed. 

Watch this short video to see how.


Step 2 - Next Bobby added the Update Action to the Contact Lightning Page. He edited the Contact Lightning Page, added a new Tab to the page and called it Donation Summary. He dropped the Related Record Lightning Component on the new tab and selected the Update Action that he created in Step 1. He saved the page and voila -- he was done! 

Watch this short video to see how.


It took Bobby less than 15 minutes to deliver a solution to improve Sally's daily process. Sally is thrilled and Bobby looks like a rock star!

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