Monday, January 7, 2019

NPSP Soft Credit for Primary Contact on an Organizational Gift

Why would you use them? 

Your Nonprofit has several business owners want to be credited for gifts given by their business.

What's Involved?

  • Setup the Soft Credit Role for Organizational Opportunities:  From the NPSP Settings Tab Choose Donations >Contact Rolls page, set the Contact Role for Organizational Opps.

  • When entering a a new Account Opportunity, in the Primary Contact field, look up the contact who should receive the soft credit.
  • The Primary Contact selected will automatically receive a soft credit with the contact role you specified giving them the soft credit.

Helpful Tips

  • If you want to always have the Primary Contact for the business receive soft credit:
    • Add the Contact as the Primary Contact on the Organizational Account.
    • Add the primary contact field to the New Account Donation Quick action on the Account object and preset it's value to the Account’s primary contact.
  • If you want NPSP to stop generating automated soft credits for an Affiliation, remove the value in the Related Opportunity Contact Role field on the Affiliation record and leave it blank. 
  • Remember The Soft Credit Totals update when the nightly batch jobs run. If you need to recalculate soft credits outside of the nightly batch, you can manually recalculate the entire batch or for a single Account or Contact.

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