Thursday, October 10, 2019

Salesforce Favorites: Frequently Used Information at Your Finger Tips

  • Always need reports from a specific folder?
  • Have a report that you run frequently?
  • Have that one Account that you are constantly nurturing?
  • Frequent a related list on a tab?

Salesforce Favorites to the rescue!

A Favorite is similar to a bookmark, it allows you to quickly access important records, lists, groups, and other frequently used pages in Salesforce by making them a Favorite. 

Adding a Favorite

From the record or spot you want to favorite, simply click on the Favorite Star in the upper-right hand side of your browser.

Accessing Your Favorites

To access Favorite items. click on the drop-down to the left of the star and choose it from the list.

Considerations when using Favorites  

You can have up to 200 favorites.  Favorites support these types of content:
  • Record home for standard and custom objects
  • Lists
  • Dashboards
  • Reports
  • Report and dashboard folders
  • Chatter groups

Individuals manage their own favorites. Salesforce admins can’t edit or share favorites.

For more considerations see:

Salesforce Favorites: Frequently Used Information at Your Finger Tips

Always need reports from a specific folder? Have a report that you run frequently? Have that one Account that you are constantly nurtur...